Thursday, October 25, 2007

Saved By The Sun

Informative Nova special about solar energy. Good section on Germany's successful political involvement. Check it out.

1 comment:

Andrew H. said...

Is that what it means to be green? what does it mean to be a monument?

Eventually I think you will probably look at Loos, or at least consider him, he has big opinions, are the translatable? are they useful? so here's a starter:

"Mausoleum (1921)

Gravagnuolo, 170. This mausoleum was modeled for Dvorak, and is Loos' only designed piece of architecture from the realm of tombs and monuments. Because of their exclusive realms of influence, Loos considered art and architecture to be completely independent of one another, with only the tomb and the monument as permissible exceptions, since only they contained the ability to combine functionality with the arousal of emotion."